"It's Not My Job" – Or Is It

By Lekshmy Sankar | 04-Feb-2018

I realize everyone is extremely busy. I know this time of year is full of challenges and expectations. But I wanted to reach out to all of you in this forum with a simple request that has far-reaching consequences.

Being part of a team means reaching out for help and offering help. It really means working together. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, your first reaction when asked to help might be, “it’s not my job.” So I’m asking you all to please take a moment in the future to consider an alternate response.

Whether you’re busy, have some degree of fear of the unknown, or are not interested, responding with “it’s not my job” to a request for help can often leave the one asking for help really stuck. And this can stifle collaboration and plain prevent things from getting done.

Think about it: if everyone said “no” to something outside their job description, teamwork would suffer, morale would be affected, and worse – the organization would never rise to the challenges of an ever changing industry. That means, it would suffer, too.

As we embark on a new year, I am reinforcing this adage as a call to action. Get involved. Try something new. Think about the organization. We all can work together to be better and make a difference. This mission can only be accomplished if we all strive to know more, do more, and expect more from each other.

Embracing change is a key component of the time we are in, and stepping outside the box at times to help each other is a key to our success. I find that in my world of technology, change is synonymous with new technology. Technology designed to make things easier, better and yes, more efficient. But sometimes getting to that more efficient state requires helping each other out.

I invite all of you to embrace change, not just for your own organization but also for the greater good. Timing is everything, and I believe that implementation of critical change cannot be delayed or ignored. Our very survival depends on it.

Won’t you join me?

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