Creating Stillness

By Lekshmy Sankar | 17-May-2018

I started walking my dog, and I cross the corner; I heard yelling coming from across the street. I look around and found a guy yelling at his kid. Was the yelling justified? Is yelling at any kid justified? Was it appropriate to yell at your children in public in front of your neighbors? The child was bawling. Maybe yelling and screaming was the last straw. I don’t know, but I knew from what I saw, that’s not the type of person I want to be.

Things in life might not go as planned. In fact, it never does. It’s our role to know who we don’t want to be as a person.

I keep walking to the park, the array of white and brown houses pass me by. It’s spring so you can smell the freshly cut grass.

Take time to smell the grass. Let the world pass you by for a second and take a moment to take it all in.

Other neighbors are walking their dogs, runners are taking their evening jog, and the fresh, crisp climate is letting me know that it is still spring and not summer yet. I can hear the soft sounds of birds chirping and the calm stillness of the houses. Teenagers are walking holding hands – new love and innocence, how beautiful is that?

Tell others how they affect you. We go through life taking for granted that others know how we feel but do they? When was the last time you took time to compliment someone? Or tell them how much you admire something they did? It makes their day, and eventually, they will pay it forward.

Walking further, I run into my friend who walks her two puppies. Both of our faces light up as we see each other. We stop near each other to reminisce about the week and things that we want to catch up on. Eventually, we draw away, and I’m left feeling like I made a deeper connection with a friend.

How do we support friends? How are you showing that you are there for them and you care?

Eventually, the darkness of the evening starts catching up and I realize that I better head back home.

Meditation doesn’t have to be the time you spend cross-legged repeating the words ‘om’. It can be any ritual that you do that creates stillness in your life, where you can appreciate and be grateful for what’s going on in your life. The next time, you spend some time doing anything that makes you feel happy, take some time to appreciate that moment to help you provide perspective to rest of your life.

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