A Lesson In Conviction

By Lekshmy Sankar | 11-Mar-2018

Today I want to talk about conviction.

As you have probably read, scientists say they have found a hidden room in the Great Pyramid of Giza. Think about this for a minute – this is the most visited and researched pyramid in the world and we just now found a void that is worth further investigation. How amazing is that? An article about the wonders of this world would be a great topic. Unfortunately, this article is not about that topic.

What attracted me to this story is the French architect, Jean-Pierre Houdin, and his conviction to his theories. He believes that the entire pyramid was built using inner ramps and that a royal circuit exists with two antechambers inside the Great Pyramid. For generations, the leading theory held that the pyramid’s builders used a long elevated external ramp to build the pyramid stone by stone from the outside.

If you logically think about the theory, it is quite a feat to build such a ramp and there hasn’t been a trace of such an enormous ramp found onsite. However, it was the leading theory. Houdin bucked the conventional theory and postulated that the pyramid was built by inner spiraling inclined tunnels and ramps that helped it be built from inside out. With the discovery of this room, it is beginning to look like his theories are more and more plausible.

Can you imagine coming up with a theory that could solve a 4500-year-old mystery but contradicts what we have believed for generations?

When I first discovered Houdin, I was immediately inspired by his conviction. Imagine being a rebel in an industry that doesn’t change their beliefs despite a plausible alternative being presented. I think we can all learn from him and his conviction to have an open mind when everyone else around you refuses to adopt a differing viewpoint.

How many times do we want to implement change or see the basic truth in front of us but don’t speak up because we lack conviction? Houdin stood up to convention by following in his father’s footsteps. His father started this theory because he had an intuition that something was wrong with the status quo of what we thought about these beautiful pyramids. Side note: this man is incredibly fascinating and really fights for his theories, knowing that we might never find the truth.

So why can’t we do that with simple daily tasks?

I am excited about the find and I’m even more excited to apply what I’ve learned from this inspiring man to my daily life.

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